সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান


এপ্রিল, ২০২২ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

The Legacy of Ram: Prologue- Part4 (দ্যা লেগ্যাসি অফ্ রাম: আদি পর্ব- অধ্যায়৪)- A mystery, post-apocalyptic fiction Bengali Novel series by Aritra Das

দ্যা লেগ্যাসি অফ্ রাম- আদি পর্ব (The Legacy of Ram- Prologue):  অধ্যায়৪  ( PART4 ) - A Bengali science fiction, mystery, suspense thriller and post-apocalyptic fiction novel series by Aritra Das, the Bengali writer   The Legacy of Ram: Prologue (আদি পর্ব) Part4 [দ্যা লেগ্যাসি অফ্ রাম- আদি পর্ব (প্রলগ) গল্পটির প্রথম তিনটি পর্ব প্রকাশিত হয়ে গিয়েছে, পেজে গল্পের শেষে অন্যান্য লিঙ্কগুলি পাওয়া যাবে। অবশ্যই পড়বেন] দ্যা লেগ্যাসি অফ্ রাম: আদি পর্ব- অধ্যায়৪ অধ্যায়৩ থেকে শেষের কিছুটা অংশ- -“অভিযুক্ত… দ্যূহ… অভিযুক্ত… দ্যূহ… দ্যূহ…” একটি কথাই পর্যায়ক্রমে উচ্চারণ করে চলেছে ‘মদন’! অস্পষ্টভাবে ‘ব্যূহ’ কথাটি মহর্ষির কানে শোনাল ‘দ্যূহ’। কিন্তু সেদিকে তখন মন নেই তাঁর, তিনি শুধু বিস্মিত এই ভেবে যে এই আদিম মানব দম্পতি তা হলে কথা বলতেও সক্ষম! তিনি আবিষ্ট হয়ে তাকিয়েই থাকলেন তাদের দিকে। -“বিচারকরা সকলেই আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষমান, মহর্ষি! চলুন, আর বেশি দেরি করা উচিৎ হবে না। আমি উপযাচক হয়ে এগিয়ে এসেছিলাম আপনাকে নিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য। আসুন।” -“আমাকে পথ দেখান, ভগবান!”   মাথা নী...

Mahakaaler Majhe- Part11 | Bengali audio story Historical fiction Paranormal | Aritra Das | Suspense-thriller

Mahakaaler Majhe- Part11 | Aritra Das| Suspense-thriller  Bengali audio story Historical fiction Paranormal by Aritra Das Mahakaaler Majhe Part11 Cover story by Aritra Das Mahakaaler Majhe is paranormal, historical, suspense thriller audio story in Bengali; original fiction written by Aritra Das and presented by Mystic Tune of Tales. The entire storyline is based on two different souls belonging to two different timelines, but they can sneak through lives of each other and finally they meet up in an unusual place- but, how? A must-see Bengali historical audio story series in classical genre. This is part11 of the story. Watch till the end. ====================================================== Check out the audio narration in the previous video Part10 here ======================================================== It's time to react; Aheem comes to know about the evil creature living under the abandoned tunnel, now he wants to get involved into the matter and confront the creature to...

Bengali Historical Story | Mahakaaler Majhe- Part9 | Paranormal story | Mystic Tune of Tales

Mahakaaler Majhe- Part9 Bengali Historical story on Paranormal fiction by Aritra Das Mahakaaler Majhe Part9 by Aritra Das Mahakaaler Majhe is paranormal, historical, suspense thriller audio story in Bengali; original fiction written by Aritra Das and presented by Mystic Tune of Tales. The entire storyline is based on two different souls belonging to two different timelines, but they can sneak through lives of each other and finally they meet up in an unusual place- but, how? A must-see Bengali historical audio story series in classical genre. This is the ninth part of the story. In this part, you should find that Nandish, the protagonist of this story finally knows what the Chinese Colonel truly wants shortly after he captures the camp and turn Nandish and others into their hostages! Read the article till the end. Story, Concept and Editing: Aritra Das Graphics: Shri Biswanath Dey Vocal Effect Assistance: Priti_Ghoshal_music  Narration- Aritra Das Background sound effect source: Mi...

Bengali Historical fiction Mahakaaler Majhe- Part8| Paranormal Story | Mystic Tune of Tales

Bengali Historical and Paranormal fiction |Mahakaaler Majhe- Part8| Mystic Tune of Tales |New Suspense  A Bengali Suspense Thriller by Aritra Das MAHAKAALER MAJHE PART8: THE INTERAUGATION OF THE PRISONER Mahakaaler Majhe is paranormal, historical, suspense thriller audio story in Bengali; original fiction written by Aritra Das and presented by Mystic Tune of Tales. The entire storyline is based on two different souls belonging to two different timelines, but they can sneak through lives of each other and finally they meet up in an unusual place- but, how? A must-see Bengali historical audio story series in classical genre. This is the eighth part of the story. Read the article till the end. Story, Concept and Editing: Aritra Das Graphics: Shri Biswanath Dey Vocal Effect Assistance: Priti_Ghoshal_music  Narration- Aritra Das Background sound effect source: Mixkit, pixabay WATCH THE HISTORICAL, SCIENCE FICTION BENGALI STORY ' BAHUJUGER OPAAR HOTE ' PART10 Story narrated so far i...

Bengali Historical Audio Story Paranormal | Mahakaaler Majhe- Part7|Mystic Tune of Tales | New Suspense

Mahakaaler Majhe- Part7  A Bengali Historical Fiction by Aritra Das MAHAKAALER MAJHE PART7 Mahakaaler Majhe is paranormal, historical, suspense thriller audio story in Bengali; original fiction written by Aritra Das and presented by Mystic Tune of Tales. The entire storyline is based on two different souls belonging to two different timelines, but they can sneak through lives of each other and finally they meet up in an unusual place- but, how? A must-see Bengali historical web series in classical genre. This is the seventh part of the story. Watch till the end. Read the article on ' The Legend of Ram- Fictional Story ' complete analysis to know about each part of the series. Story, Concept and Editing: Aritra Das Graphics: Shri Biswanath Dey Vocal Effect Assistance: Priti_Ghoshal_music  Narration- Aritra Das, Priti Ghoshal Background sound effect source: Mixkit, pixabay What to listen for in this part of the story? Read the story part below:   নন্দীশের ঘুম ভাঙল আধো-অন্ধক...

Mahakaaler Majhe- Part6| Historical Story Paranormal in Bengali| Mystic Tune of Tales |Suspense thriller

MAHAKAALER MAJHE PART6 by Mystic Tune of Tales -A Historical story on Paranormal phenomena in Bengali by Aritra Das Mahakaaler Majhe Part6 Cover Page MahakMahakaaler Majhe is paranormal, historical, suspense thriller audio story in Bengali; original fiction written by Aritra Das and presented by Mystic Tune of Tales. The entire storyline is based on two different characters belonging to two different timelines, but they can feel lives of each other and finally they meet up in an unusual place- but, how? A must-see web series in classical genre. This is the Sixth part of the story. In this part, we will see that both the characters are watching each others' lives in dream, while staying in their respective timelines. A thinner line of connection between the duos, may be? The story shapes further. Find it out. WATCH THE COMPLETE STORY OF 'DAHANA' Story, Concept and Editing: Aritra Das Graphics: Shri Biswanath Dey Vocal Effect Assistance: Priti_Ghoshal_music  Narration- Aritra...